Highlighted projects

Research / Engineering

This project was developed at INICTEL-UNI, and has the aim to build up a measurement system for the characterization of ISFET devices. It consists of a software in an ST microcontroller which acts as an acquisition platform, and a software component that obtains such data and plots them to the visualization software. In addition to this, the monitoring is complemented with an additional software that processes the signals and obtains the characterization curves, from which the parameters for ISFET modeling could be obtained via a parameter extraction method.
Contribution: I have designed and implemented the whole hardware and software system.
This project had the aim to develop a simulation framework for ISFET devices. It has the option to use three simulation engines (LTSpice, PSpice, and NGspice) and, depending on them, to build up the simulation files based on the behavioral macromodel for ISFET devices. After that, it generates for each model the characteristic curves for the entered parameters and has the option to load also experimental data to compare with the simulation and adjust the simulation parameters to match the experimental values and fit the model to the actual ISFET device.
Contribution: I have developed the whole software, its GUI, and integration to other simulation engines.
This project has the aim to develop a library that interfaces an ISFETBoard which can act as a daughter board for any Arduino-based board. It was part of a project that aimed to develop a system monitoring for variables of avocado plants, among them was the pH of irrigation water. I participated in developing that board, including its design and the software for the microcontroller, and this library to communicate it to the main board, which had the other sensors for humidity, conductivity, and temperature.
This project is part of a geolocalization project which is led by INICTEL-UNI. It corresponds to the devices that are used for the monitoring of the position and other variables for South American camels. The software included in that device is loaded via the Arduino framework, and this library aims to integrate all the software that controls the sensors and the configuration for the transmission via LoRaWAN to the network server.
Contribution: I was in charge of code refactoring and its integration with other sensors for the embedded software. I also wrote the full documentation for the software in the microcontroller.
Documentation: https://tleraboards.readthedocs.io/en/documentation/index.html

Development / Programming

This is an open-source software developed to automate the insertion of images in a set of MS Word / PDF documents. It could be useful to insert a signature to various documents at a specific position. The software has the option to select a specific list of MS Word / PDF documents or a folder that contains those documents and insert the image to all of them. It also provides options to resize the image in different units of measurement and specify the relative position with respect to a placeholder in the document (for example, the reference for the signature) or to a corner in a specific page (only for PDF documents). In addition, the software exports the document with the image inserted to a PDF file, which may be created in the same folder as the original document (only for Word documents) or in a subfolder with a specified name.
This project arises from the need to generate a summary of activities registered in Google Sheets, which in turn can be used to generate a Google Docs sheet with the grouped items according to certain criteria in the spreadsheet. It is implemented as a Google Workspace Complement, which can be installed on Google Sheets and generate both the summary sheet and the Google document.
This platform aims to integrate two other platform applications for various uses of cases connecting IoT devices. It uses ThingsBoard and Chirpstack as base applications to cover the connection of IoT devices either via MQTT, HTTP, CoAP protocols as well as LoRaWAN protocol. The deployment is automated via docker and docker-compose and has also covered full documentation for each use case for this platform.
Contribution: I was the project leader. I developed the web page for the project and the demos and integration to ChirpStack.
Webpage: https://plataformaiot.inictel-uni.edu.pe/
Documentation: https://plataformaiot.gitlab.io/plataforma-docs/plataforma/dev/index.html

Other projects

Research / Engineering

This project had the aim to develop a framework that provides several functions to evaluate convolutional neural networks (CNN) from the state-of-the-art, which are used to estimate the possibility of COVID-19 infection based on chest X-Ray images. This software has the methods to perform the essential steps to acquire, consolidate, and balance the databases, perform preprocessing tasks such as histogram equalization, and execute the training and evaluation of the selected CNN algorithms (currently, a basic CNN model and COVID-Net).
This project was developed to monitor vital variables via various sensors attached to the patient's body and use that system for monitoring health status and for alerting if that is out of the normal ranges. This project had both hardware and software components; however, the most developed component is the software which includes a web platform to manage the patients and a mobile app that helps the health caregivers monitor at any moment the status of their patients.
This project was developed to monitor the breathing frequency based on the movement of the chest using gauge sensors. The project reached the simulation stage. Here, we have developed a simulation software that was able to evaluate the processing stage and obtain the frequency rate from the sensor signals (also simulated).
This is a small project that uses the pyspice interface in Python to simulate circuits that would act as electronic filters for biomedical signals.
This is a complementary project for the IoT platform for INICTEL-UNI. This was created to generate the payload required for simulated LoRaWAN devices that send data to the ChirpStack platform. The generator can be used in two modes: one that uses random values and another that grabs data from OpenWeather API.
This is a documentation project that consists of a review of a vital signal monitor or physiological monitor, considering its components, functions, standards, and specification list.
This is a subproject from a georadar project developed by INICTEL-UNI. The aim of this subproject is to develop an ADC in an FPGA that would be used to acquire data, acting as the radar preprocessor. It consists of a Sigma-Delta ADC whose analog counterpart is implemented in a protoboard, and the digital part is implemented in a Zybo board from Xilinx. The digital design includes interfacing the ADC filter to the embedded Linux in the ARM processor, writing also a driver that is attached to the Linux kernel as an IIO driver, and interfacing to a shell script via the IIO library.
Contribution: I was in charge of the whole ADC design and implementation in the FPGA. This includes the driver development for the embedded Linux in the ARM processor (Linaro), as in the FPGA.

Development / Programming

This is a project which had the aim to develop a set of scripts to deploy docker and docker-compose in cloud computing providers using the Terraform API connected to the cloud services. It is implemented for Linode, AWS Lightsail, and Google Cloud. It is thought to be a base script to deploy services in a cloud infrastructure for small projects.
This is a project for OpenPolitica, which is an organization I take part. This project is a subproject for Votu platform, which is a helper to choose the candidate that matches your preferences. The specific DevOps project contains the scripts to reset the database (MariaDB) and perform scheduled backups.
Contribution: I wrote the backup scripts, and I was in charge of the server administration and code maintenance.
This is a project for OpenPolitica, and it is a subproject for Tuku Platform. This is a more complex project as it includes scripts to reset the database (PostgreSQL) and also custom sub-applications to synchronize data from a Google Sheet and to save backups to Google Drive, both of them written for NodeJs.
Contribution: I wrote the whole script and the sub-applications to synchronize the database from the different sources and to generate the backups.
This is a template I have written for my personal CV in LaTeX, which I use to generate a multipage CV document.
This is a personal project to set up the configuration in my Arch Linux machine, which includes a Windows Manager BSPWM, a terminal multiplexer, and the editor NeoVIM, including their respective configuration files. This is the setup I use for my daily work as an engineer and programmer.